Traditional Paint colors
Ive had a lot of people ask about paint so here is some info. These colors will work well for an oil or acrylic palette. I use Acrylic most often, but these should work either way.
A pretty solid paint palette for Oils or Acrylics will include these:
Titanium White*, Paynes Gray *, Raw Umber* , Burnt Sienna*, Yellow Ochre , Burnt Umber *, Terre Verte (Green Earth) , Cadmium Red Deep*, Cadmium Yellow Medium*, Cadmium Yellow Light*, Ultramarine Blue*, Permanent Green*, Manganese/Dioxazine Purple*, Greenish Umber , Sap Green*, Alizarin Crimson*, Pthalocyanine Blue, Pthalocyanine Green, Cobalt Blue*, Turquoise Blue*,
Cadmium Red, Scarlet, Cadmium Yellow Pale, Raw Sienna, Sepia,
Lamp Black, Mars Black*, Cadmium Red Light*, Magenta, Naples Yellow *, Brilliant Yellow, Indian Yellow, Mars Violet Brown Pink,*Chinese Red Vermilioned, Emerald Green, Manganese Blue, Davey's Gray
* colors with the asterix are most useful. Remember that these colors mix differently depending on the warmth or coolness of the colors.
Acrylic mediums include, matte medium, gloss, medium, gesso.
Soft hair brushes are best for glazing : they allow a smooth and even layering of the color. Some of the best brushes for this application are ox hair flats, sable and squirrel hair (mix).
Sable watercolor brushes have the best tips for rendering fine details, sizes range from 000 and up. Rekab produces a fine and inexpensive sable brush of this type.
A pretty solid paint palette for Oils or Acrylics will include these:
Titanium White*, Paynes Gray *, Raw Umber* , Burnt Sienna*, Yellow Ochre , Burnt Umber *, Terre Verte (Green Earth) , Cadmium Red Deep*, Cadmium Yellow Medium*, Cadmium Yellow Light*, Ultramarine Blue*, Permanent Green*, Manganese/Dioxazine Purple*, Greenish Umber , Sap Green*, Alizarin Crimson*, Pthalocyanine Blue, Pthalocyanine Green, Cobalt Blue*, Turquoise Blue*,
Cadmium Red, Scarlet, Cadmium Yellow Pale, Raw Sienna, Sepia,
Lamp Black, Mars Black*, Cadmium Red Light*, Magenta, Naples Yellow *, Brilliant Yellow, Indian Yellow, Mars Violet Brown Pink,*Chinese Red Vermilioned, Emerald Green, Manganese Blue, Davey's Gray
* colors with the asterix are most useful. Remember that these colors mix differently depending on the warmth or coolness of the colors.
Acrylic mediums include, matte medium, gloss, medium, gesso.
Soft hair brushes are best for glazing : they allow a smooth and even layering of the color. Some of the best brushes for this application are ox hair flats, sable and squirrel hair (mix).
Sable watercolor brushes have the best tips for rendering fine details, sizes range from 000 and up. Rekab produces a fine and inexpensive sable brush of this type.