Elric of Melnibone: HIgh Fantasy Battle Scene in living Black and white ink!

This is one of my favorite scenes in the Fantasy world. Elric is battling his half brother Yrkoon chasing him around the world. His Brother has hidden out in the city which has a mirror which can control your mind. Elric's warriors fight with blindfolds to avoid being felled by the mirrors gaze.

This piece took about a week and a half and it is completely pen and ink.IT was done for Random House's reissuing of Elric of Melnibone and other books in the Multiverse. I hadn't read Elric before I started the project, but as I read the books I had such a good time reading that I went on to read some others in the series. Elric is a great brooding character in the high fantasy heroic tradition.

When I took the job I decided I would try something a bit different. Previously my ink lines were thicker and more fluid. I was more like a regular comic inker with smooth perfectly designed lines. Elric broke me of this. I decided I would move more toward a older more traditional art style. I felt that looking backward at earlier inking styles, like those of Dore, Franklin Booth and Joseph Clement Cole I could find a gravitas that matched the grand qualities of the Elric stories. I swithced to brush and quill pen, alternating between the two to get the line effects I was seeking. I was able to get more texture and shading and create far distances and close-up figures, shading and even suggest colors. Rather than inking I was painting with ink.

This piece really started a change in me. Soon after I began High Moon and the influence has moved into other work of mine. Even my current work on the Deadlands comic has a lot of texture and ink lines.

I hope you enjoy it. I will be placing more of these up here soon.


Awesome piece! Makes me want to get more serious about my own ink work.

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