An Open letter to Zuda creators and Zuda Fans....

I have mixed feelings about the changes at Zuda Comics. (see Even though some of the comics will continue into the future (including my and David Gallaher's High Moon) under a Zuda banner on PlayStation Network, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and on the web at comiXology and soon at DC online, approximately 30 ongoing series will be coming to an end.

Zuda was a bold experiment put together and administered by the crew at DC Comics to expand DC Comics into the webcomics world. It ran as a competition to bring in new talent, expose talent that had been on the sidelines of the comics biz, and allow that talent to shine in an environment that preferred new, original, creator-driven projects.

Some great new projects joined the world of comics, earning many awards and accolades for the creative teams. It created a community of supporters, readers and friends many times outside the mainstream of the comics reading public.

I have met and learned about creators from around the world. I got to enjoy their projects, be inspired by their creativity and drink their booze at con after-parties.

I have had a creative renaissance working on High Moon and was inspired on a daily basis by the support of the fans who posted regularly even though I was terrible at posting back. The fact that I was paid to create a project and be able to give it all of my time and effort to make it the best project possible and have an instant feedback community was a fantastic way to forge my skills as a storyteller and artist. Zuda has also facilitated the creation of a creative partnership with David Gallaher which has moved past High Moon to other projects like Box 13 from Red5 and Comixology as well as Darkstar and the Winter Guard from Marvel.

Now we are moving onto a new era of Zuda and a new era of High Moon. (see Kwanza Johnsons post from today

It's bittersweet as we leave some friends to continue on their own. I look forward to seeing them continue these projects elsewhere or move onto new creative projects altogether. I expect Greatness from all of you guys.

There is a bond between us all forged by the common experience of having been through the sometimes gruelling competition process.

If I may speak for the other creators who will be moving forward with DC, we will always be Zudites together.

Thanks for everything, and to steal a line from David Gallaher, Keep on Howling!

Steve Ellis


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